Chicagoland United in Prayer initiated a prayer event for the wellness of the city. Local churches throughout Little Village met at midnight by the Little Village arch to pray and commune with one another. The arch was created in 1990 and symbolically represents the entrance to the neighborhood with a message on it saying “Bienvenidos a Little Village.” A year later, the Mexican government donated the bronze clock that was placed on top of the arch. There were about 80 members from different church congregations that prayed for the safety and wellbeing of the neighborhood, for the youth and the newly elected leaders of the community. The New Life Centers Outreach team and several mentors were also present and had a chance to have people pray for them and for the work they do in the community to help reduce the gun violence that historically sees a spike during the summer season. This event was a good way to signal the beginning of summer and also represents the work and role that churches play in the community. All of these churches that participated in this event will be collaborating later on this year during the summer to help provide safe spaces in the community and resources for the youth of Little Village.