"My family and I have been blessed to be apart of the Little Village Little League since it began in 2010. I have been able to see not only the league grow, but also see how through the baseball program how my children have grown. I have seen, especially in my youngest son, how baseball has helped build his confidence and social development. We love being apart of the Little Village Little League family!"
- Iliana Roman


NSLV is a community based initiative for youth to play sports and build positive relationships. Participants play three different sports throughout the school year: volleyball, basketball, and soccer. We especially hope that youth who don’t often get to take part in traditional sports have this opportunity. We help youth develop basic sports skills to compete while teaching age-appropriate life lessons to help them navigate their day-to-day journey. At the same time, youth will build confidence to move forward.

Epi Diaz, Director of Sports Based Mentoring ediaz@newlifecenters.org







NSLV was created and led by Beyond the Ball to provide sports programming for youth in elementary and middle schools. From our understanding many CPS schools lost extracurricular funding which included funds for schools to provide clubs and sports. This league was a space for local schools and organizations to bring teams together to play and compete. Now it sounds like schools received funding and some have sports, but NSLV continues to be a space for those schools to bring their teams. This is the first year that NLC is taking on NSLV and leading this initiative. However, NLC has been a part of this league since 2016. The goal of this program is promote health and play.

Thursdays, 4:30-8pm

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