Arise Creations is more than a handmade jewelry program at New Life Centers. It is a creative small business driven by young and dynamic women. The purpose is to empower girls in grades 6-12 in the Humboldt Park and Little Village neighborhoods.
Since 2016, Arise Creations has been promoting creativity, empowerment, and the spirit of entrepreneurship and enrichment to young women. The methodology of this program is based on the creativity of designs inspired by biblical principles, which contribute to self-improvement, leadership skills, business knowledge, and spiritual growth.
Every week around 10 young women and instructors meet to make designs and shape pieces of jewelry to create bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. We interviewed some participants to highlight their main achievements during their time in this program.
Shanyce Johnson has been a participant for six years and is now a 12th-grade student; she learned about the program through her sister, who had also participated before. “This program met my expectations from the beginning. My sister used to come when she was my age and it was something that intrigued me. I am satisfied with the results so far,” said Shanyce.
For Shanyce, one of the most significant things at Arise Creations has been developing emotional connections with participants and the instructors. This has created a culture where the group looks after each other’s needs. “We have a very passionate team that enjoys what they do and are always looking out for the well-being of each one of us,” she tells us very enthusiastically.
Shanyce concludes the program has contributed to her social development in the last six years. “This program has taught me to be a very receptive person when it comes to listening. Here, I learned to be an open person with others, to understand that we are all different and bring differing points of view. I learned about the experiences of other people, which today are my motivation,” Shanyce pointed out.
Saraí Pineda is another Arise Creations program participant and eighth-grade student. This initiative has given her a new vision for the future. “I started at Arise a year ago and over time I have become aware of the importance of earning my own money through selling,” Saraí tells us.
Although Saraí’s first days making jewelry didn’t feel very productive, she focused on continuing to try until she was able to finish the fine pieces. “I remember that one of my greatest achievements in this program was when I created my first piece called Urban Hope. That day I was very excited because it had taken me time to learn. When I was beginning, I felt lost,” Saraí recalls.
Despite her frustration, Saraí did not give up and kept in mind the advice she received from her instructors to not let herself be defeated. “The instructors have been influential in my growth within the program. They teach us to overcome fear, control our nerves, step out of our comfort zone, and persevere,” concludes Sarai.
Valeria is a 16-year-old participant in the 11th-grade. She learned about the Arise Creations program through a flyer her mother got as she waited in line at our food pantry in Humboldt Park. “I said to myself, oh, making jewelry sounds interesting. That’s when I came to ask for information, and I was able to sign up to do what I do today with a lot of passion,” Valeria tells us.
Participating in this
Saraí’s greatest satisfaction is when she sees the products she created exhibited in stores. “It feels exciting to have our jewelry reach large stores, businesses, and cafes, and be able to see the work displayed there. Without a doubt, it feels so good, and I can only be thankful for being part of this great work,” she concludes.
An additional value the program offers participants is the spiritual enrichment and business skills they acquire to open doors as future businesswomen, participating in fairs with suppliers, conferences, and other events that contribute to their profit.
For the future, the Arise Creations program hopes to expand products to a network of distributors to market what participants make, partner with other commercial establishments, and increase the number of women participating in the program as it enables economic independence.